Pixel Base

You need tablet or desktop to play the game.

Game Rules

Red apples give 20 points and subtract 10 points if you miss. However, golden apples give 50 points but remove 100 points if you miss! The is no "Game Over", it's endless, enjoy as much as you want. 🥳

The background are tracks 5 and 7 from my lo-fi album you can listen to on Bandcamp. 🎶

Cute pixel figure of a man.
Cute pixel figure of a man.


My name is Sanjin, it means 'the dreamer' in Bosnian. Pixelbase is made for the sake of cute pixel fun — and to practice HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The repo is on my GitHub and updates will be added from time to time.

👇🏻 Join in and follow me on the following places.

YouTube / GitHub / LinkedIn